Week One to Two
Programming Basics
To kick off the program, you'll study habits, computer basics, and fundamental programming concepts and skills necessary to be successful in your bootcamp!
What You'll Focus On:
- Basic computer literacy
- Algorithmic foundations
- Learning stamina
The lecture days of Programming Basics may differ from the remainder of the program.
Weeks Three to Eight
Web Fundamentals
This course introduces students to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript. Students will write the code for basic static web pages with JavaScript interactivity.
What You'll Focus On:
Weeks Nine to Fourteen
This course introduces students to Python full-stack programming and associated technologies. This course is designed to familiarize students with the Python programming language, object-oriented programming, and the request/response cycle. They will also have experience using a modern framework (e.g. Flask) and structuring and manipulating a database (e.g. MySQL).
What You'll Focus On:
- Python Fundamentals
- Python Conditionals and Loop Structures
- Functions in Python
- Python Object Oriented Programming
- Python Integration with MySQL
- Python Integration with Flask
Weeks Fifteen to Twenty
This course is designed to provide students with a base knowledge in procedural programming in Java, object-oriented programming, and Model–View–Controller (MVC) patterns using popular Java frameworks. Students will also write Java code for database (e.g. MySQL) manipulation.
What You'll Focus On:
- Java Fundamentals
- Java Spring
Weeks Twenty One to Twenty Six
This course introduces students to MERN, Docker, MongoDB and Nested Documents. Additionally, the course is designed to teach how to set up a full stack React project and how to deploy a full-stack application to the cloud.
What You'll Focus On:
- Javascript
- MongoDB
- Full Stack MERN
Weeks Twenty Seven to Thirty Two
Intro to Data Structures
This course introduces students to basic data structures, sorting, and divide-and-conquer techniques. Additionally, this course is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of programming and problem-solving principles.
What You'll Focus On:
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Java