New Orleans Coding Bootcamp

Become A Software Developer

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Our Alumni

Over 13k+ students have changed their lives with Coding Dojo. Our online bootcamps are described as the most challenging yet rewarding thing our graduates have ever done. If you’re serious about attending a coding bootcamp in New Orleans, our alumni will tell you it’s the most serious choice.

Our Courses

Across the board, Coding Dojo builds and curates its online programs to empower students with the skills they will actually be using in their jobs after graduation. Not only are these the skills that you will use in your job, but they will also have New Orleans companies take notice.

New Orleans_eco_map

Join the New Orleans Tech Scene

New Orleans may not be in Silicon Valley, but like so many other smaller markets, it’s experiencing a boom in tech companies and digital services. Keep up with the growing network of New Orleans developers, engineers and entrepreneurs by plugging into the local tech scene. Hopefully we’ll see you there!

  • New Orleans Software Developers


    157 members

  • #FrontEndParty


    1,538 members

  • GDG New Orleans


    1,465 members

  • NOLA Meetup


    1,666 members

  • Tech Talent South NOLA


    2,079 members

New Orleans_eco_map


average starting salary in the New Orleans area


Companies Hiring Developers in New Orleans

New Orleans is filled with small tech companies that have big dreams and big companies looking to make their organizations fully digital. This means everyone is hiring developers. Whether they’re looking for a loose, relaxed startup or a powerful, suited corporate environment, developers have their pick in New Orleans.


average starting salary in the New Orleans area


Tech Jobs in New Orleans

With the influx of tech companies, developers in New Orleans are seeing some of the most impressive salaries and perks in the country. Forget moving to San Francisco in order to reap the rewards of knowing code -- New Orleans is more affordable and offers great compensation.

  • Lead Marvels
  • EZ-AD
  • Good Work Marketing
  • The Soft Edge, Inc.
  •  Webalo

Upcoming Events

Give programming a try with our upcoming workshops, or check-in to see what Software Development is all about.

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Download Course Packet

Dig deeper into the course curriculum and coding bootcamp experience

Join our next info session

Info sessions are held via video chat with other attendees and our staff. We’ll send you a link to join the chat room.

  • Your contact info: (we'll send you a link to join the video chat)

What to expect:

  • Meet an online instructor
  • Discuss the Online Bootcamp
  • How to enroll and reserve a seat
  • Get your questions answered