What is Java:
Java is one of the most widely used programming languages and is estimated to have over millions of developers worldwide. Its huge selection of libraries and tools makes it the first choice of languages for many developers. Our Java web development course tackles learning the Spring Framework, a technology that runs on Java programming language.
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What is Python
Python is a great starting programming language because its syntax is not complicated compared to many other languages. This will allow you to focus on learning programming concepts rather than complicated language. It is also easy to pick-up by experienced developers. Our Python web development course is consist of Django and Flask technologies.
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What is C#/.NET:
With Microsoft's reputable history and stability on the .NET framework, .NET Core was made as an open-source, cross-platform, and simplified code-sharing framework. Together with Microsoft's flagship language, C#, a strongly typed but versatile programming language, you will be equipped with the full-stack knowledge that can be used for a wide range of products and applications.
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What is MERN:
MERN Stack is composed of multiple technologies using the JavaScript programming language. One of the paramount advantages of using the MERN stack is the ability to use one programming language from the front-end framework) to the backend server and on to the database. Valued for its versatility in building fast, robust and maintainable production web applications, a MERN stack developer is in high demand with numerous startups and employers. Our MERN web development course includes learning about the following technologies: MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.
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