Is Software Development Oversaturated?

One of the most frequent questions heard by prospective Coding Dojo students is: “Is software development oversaturated?”.
Software engineering has been growing for years now, and, as more and more developers enter the market, it must seem obvious that we’d hit a point where there aren’t enough jobs to go around.

Fortunately, as the pool of employable coders grows, so does the need for them. Companies across the world in every different type of industry need software developers, whether they want to hire a team of their own or outsource work, the demand remains and isn’t going anywhere.

Looking for evidence? Well, let’s look at some at the numbers that prove software development isn’t oversaturated.

Is Software Engineering Oversaturated?

Like almost every profession, there was a slight dip in demand for software developers at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the squeeze ended sooner than most and software developer demand is back in full force.

According to Slashdata  the number of software developers has increased every year since 2018 that will continue for the foreseeable future

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics is just as bullish as Slashdata They predict that from 2020 to 2030, the emeployment of software developers will grow 22 percent, which is considered much faster than the average for all occupations. How fast is that?  The average growth across all industries is only 4 percent, so a 22% increase shows that the industry is nowhere near saturation point yet.

In fact, the projections for software development growth has actually changed since this post was initially published. (October 2020). The U.S. government now predicts around 100,000 more software engineers will exist by the end of the decade, bringing the total number up to 409,500.

Software Development Job Vacancies are Also Growing

How in-demand at software engineers right now?

They’re so popular that six of the 10 most in-demand tech jobs of 2022 are roles occupied by web developers. That list also points to a unique aspect of being a professional coder compared to another job in the tech space. The sheer variety of engineering jobs out there means there will also be demand for different skillsets.

A lot of companies are looking for well-rounded, full-stack engineers, pointing to the importance of learning all three stacks early in your career. Becoming a full-stack engineer means you’ll be qualified for even more coding jobs, as does learning specific languages.

Learning Apex can help you carve out a niche as a Salesforce developer, while learning Swift or Kotlin can steer you to mobile development, and picking up MySQL can put you on the path to becoming a cloud engineer. The possibilities feel endless, and that’s because demand fr software developers refuses to slow down.

How Many Coding Jobs Are There Currently?

A quick look on Indeed shows there were over 143,000 current open jobs across the United States featuring the title software engineer. While these jobs vary in terms of experience and skills required, they are all full-time positions and not internships or contract work.

If you’re hoping to work remote, you’ll have the choice of over 43,000 jobs to apply for. Looking for an entry level job? There are currently over 17,000 entry-level software development jobs available..

It’s clear that at the moment, software development isn’t saturated. And, considering what the experts have to say about the future, the coding job market will continue to expand even as more and more people qualify for roles. That’s likely because of a combination of a few factors:

  • it’s a skilled job in high demand,
  • there are multiple languages to learn,
  • companies are seeking to become more and more digital

Our world is increasingly tech-driven. That isn’t going to change going forward, the only that will change is the technologies we use and how they get built. Ultimately, they will always need to be build, so if you’re thinking about learning how to code, don’t ask, “is there a job for me?” Ask “what can I learn to find the job I want?”

How to Become a Software Engineer

Now that you’ve seen the data, how do you learn to code and get hired as a software engineer? You can become a software engineer in a few different ways.

  • Computer science degree
  • Coding bootcamp
  • Self-taught

Computer Science Degree

Unlike many well-paying, white collar jobs, a 4-year degree isn’t a prerequisite for getting hire as a web developer. Despite that, if you’re a recent high school graduate and looking for the college experience, a computer science degree isn’t a bad choice.

That’s especially true if you’re figuring out what you want to do with your life. Anyone entering a computer science degree should be aware these programs focus more on theory and less on practical coding.

You’ll learn plenty of important thing in your time as a computer science major, but it’s important to practice and learn programming languages on your own so you’re prepared when it comes to your first software developer job interviews.

Coding Bootcamps

Coding bootcamps are a great way to fast track your coding career and become a qualified software engineer in a matter of months. According to Course Report, bootcamps can last anywhere from 6 to 28 weeks depending on your schedule, while the average is around 14 weeks. Many people need to continue to work while learning to code. If that’s the case for you, a coding bootcamp is the perfect way to balance your daily life and becoming coding certified.

Another pro to coding bootcamps is the price. The average coding bootcamp cost is $14,000, which is far less than the cost of 4-year degree. On average first job after a bootcamp is $69,000, and most coding bootcamps offer payment plans allowing you to enjoy our new salary right away.

With a 79% success rate across all bootcamps, all you need to know is do your research and make sure you pick the right one to help you find your dream job.


Considered the most difficult but also by far the cheapest, self taught developers don’t have any formal learning experience, they simply prove through side projects and interviews that they are capable of being a professional coder.

Becoming a self-taught desire requires a lot of self-discipline. If you’re not someone who thrives working on their own schedule and sticking to things without a guidance, a coding bootcamp is a better choice. If not, there are plenty of free ways to learn coding basics, including:

Learn Software Development at Coding Dojo

The number of software developers that are employed is rising, and they’re predicted to continue rise as the world looks to recover from a turbulent few years. None of these factors seem to suggest that the market is anywhere near oversaturated.
If you trust the data, Coding Dojo is a great place to learn to code. Our bootcamps come in a variety of shapes and sizes so you can find the best one for you. Plus, 91 percent of our graduates find a coding job within 12 months, and the average salary is $69,000 Our bootcamps include:

Whether you want to learn three stacks or just one, our coding bootcamps will leach you the most in-demand programming languages, personal 1-on1 teaching, hands-on experience, and lifetime career services to help you find a job.. So, what are you waiting for?