Choosing Python Web Frameworks: Django and Flask

If you’re getting into Python for the first time, chances are you’ve researched various web frameworks. If not, click on over the Python wiki and start browsing the expansive variety of web frameworks. Go ahead; we’ll wait.

Overwhelming, isn’t it? Do you choose the most popular full-stack frameworks or do research to find what works best for your needs? It’s tough because Python web frameworks can fall anywhere on a spectrum from executing a single-use case to providing every known feature available. With names like Flask, Django, Tornado, Diesel, Pecan, and Falcon—how do you know where to start?

What are Python Frameworks?

Let’s begin by making sure we’re all on the same page here. A web framework is a collection, or library, of packages or modules designed to make your life easier when building scalable, reliable, and maintainable web applications.

They’re common in all programming languages, but each language has one or several frameworks that they need to run. Python has dozens of different frameworks that coders use depending on whether they’re working in a full-stack environment.

Why Do Web Frameworks Matter?

Frameworks make it easier to reuse code for common HTTP operations.

Basically, these frameworks encapsulate the work that developers have learned over the last twenty years while programming applications and sites. Say goodbye to protocols, sockets, and process thread management.

What are Django and Flask?

Did you ever see Tango & Cash? It’s a buddy cop action film from 1989. No? Saying “Django and Flask” aloud reminded us of that movie. You know what? Tango and Cash is much like Django and Flask. Hear us out.

Tango and Cash are two narcotics detectives from different sides of Los Angeles who approach problems completely differently, but both manage to get the job done. Disciplined and pristine, Ray Tango is a put-together police officer—the total package some might say—who is determined to go by the book. Gabriel Cash, on the other hand, is looser, freer, and plays by his own rules. See where we’re going with this? 

Django’s Pros and Cons

Django is commonly called a “batteries-included” framework approach—or the “framework for perfectionists with deadlines.”

This means that Django makes it easy for Python developers to dive into web applications quickly without requiring forethought into the app’s infrastructure ahead of time.

Basically, build better web apps, more quickly, with less code. Django is established, has excellent documentation, and has a large online community. 

Django Pros

  • Well-established software with many plugins
  • Admin area out of the box makes dev and production of CMS easy
  • ORM support
  • Clear and defined MVC organization
  • Highly customizable
  • Forms framework
  • Simple database management

Django Cons

  • Feels like too much software for small projects
  • Template errors fail silently by default
  • A process only handles a single request at a time
  • Deep learning curve
  • Overwhelming features

Flask’s Pros and Cons

Flask is a relatively young framework, only in use since 2010. Flask is considered more “Pythonic” than Django simply because Flask web application code is, in most cases, more explicit. Flask is the choice of most beginners due to the lack of roadblocks to getting a simple app up and running.

Flask Pros

  • Extremely flexible
  • Minimalist without sacrificing power
  • Simple to learn and use
  • Routing URLs is easy
  • Small core and easily extensible

Flask Cons

  • Not async-friendly
  • Limited support and documentation
  • Lack of database/ORM/forms
  • Truly limited in features

Why Not Choose Both?

Well-rounded developers are adept with both Django and Flask. A common route is building small, fun projects with a simple framework, like Flask, and moving on to Django as you begin to grasp the basics. At Coding Dojo, we teach three full stacks—beginning with the full Python stack that covers both Flask and Django in detail.

Study Python Web Frameworks at Coding Dojo

Python is one of the most popular coding languages in the world1 for a reason. Thus, we use it heavily here at Coding Dojo in our three coding bootcamps. If you’re hoping to learn Python you have to learn at least some of its frameworks.

That’s where we come in. Enrolling in our coding bootcamp can help you get you up to speed on the most popular programming language and its frameworks in anywhere from 14 to 32 weeks. Afterward, you’ll have lifetime access to our career services team who are available to assist you in your first tech job search.


1The TIOBE Index: www.tiobe.com (visited 4/3/2023). 

Coding Dojo cannot guarantee employment, salary, or career advancement. Not all programs are available to residents of all states.